Monday, November 16, 2009

How to not injure yourself

Another thing I would like to discuss is how can you hurt yourself. Well through experience I have wiped out and messed up many times and I have hurt myself sometimes because either I tried to much at once and thought I could do what the pros do, nope never happened until i built up enough confidence and strategy. It took many years for myself to learn how to make some maneuvers smoothly and make sure I can do them without falling.Notice though on the boats professionals use they have swing rope attachment bars; those are things that you tie your rope on to on the boat. The advantage of swinging rope bars and basic hooks on boats are a huge difference because the regular hooks on the boat are to close to the water so what happens is whenever you are in the middle of water skiing the rope can get caught underneath the water and cause slack to get to the rope which can injure you pretty bad and sucks for quick maneuverability. The advantage of the swinging rope bars has many good things actually because number one it stands high up on the boat far away from the water so it is pretty much impossible to get slack into the rope, number two is while making a maneuver as in sharp turns to the other side of the wake the bar swing with the way you are going and always keeps good solid tension on the rope. It also helps you to stay up at the same time therefore chances of injury are very minimal at that point but like they say never go beyond your limits unless you are confident enough.

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