Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What kind of boat you should ski behind

Hey guys something I would like to go through is what type of boat you should use to properly do what experienced guys do. Well it makes a huge difference when you use the types of boats, because for professionals they have the best of the best which is a nice ski boat with all of the fancy ski bars and looks. They call those ski boats usually the name of ski boats used by pros are the latest model of Tahoe water sports, that is the best boat for this sport because it has smooth jet drive with a boating planer for maximum speed and acceleration for pulling skiers out of the water. See myself and my friends have been skiing for quit a while now and I will not lie we are pretty good for the stuff we deal with. Obviously we are not the richest people who can afford the best thing on the market but at least we got something we can do the sport with. All we have is a regular speed boat with an outboard motor and hooks that are close to the water, that is not what pros use but that is all we have. The boat we use is good for what we do it is reliable it never gives us problems it has all the power we need. If you ask me the stuff we are using will only make you a better water skiing because its a much bigger challenge, so when we do get the chance to use what pros use we will master it no problem because we deal with much harder set ups and do perfectly fine. The pros use things that make the sport easier for them, our way around uses much more compensating and technique, plus when we water ski we ski two guys at a time so that guy distracts you and sprays you with water so he is blinding you when your in the middle of doing something. It is a tonne of fun and the best part about it each time we ski the better we get.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Proper equipment

I have noticed with lots of people I talk to about water skiing using the improper equipment. A few days ago I met somebody who has the interest, so we started to talk about it and express our opinions and taught each other different methods and all that good stuff. He was saying he uses regular bindings on his ski nothing fancy and uses body glove name brand life jackets. Believe it or not but some life jackets can affect the performance of your skiing, according to him the weight and comfort of his life jacket allows him to get more speed off the turns and deep cuts. I wonder what could possibly be the difference between a body glove life jacket and a regular PDF life jacket. Weel the differences are that PDF life jackets are lighter but catch the wind more and moves around on your body when your skiing, plus the straps on PDF life jackets fly around in the wind. Litle things like that can annoy you when your skiing and will for sure affect the way you ski. Body glove life jackets are very comfortable and bind to your body size when you get it wet. So the advantage of the body glove life jacket is that it forms to your body size kind of like a one size fits all edition, it is extremely comfortable and looks alot better because the design makes you look sportier and more like a pro. I knew this guy was really into the sport so I am going to take this guys advice on it. He told me to always remember this saying "use the proper equipement".

Friday, December 11, 2009

Different designed ski handles

I am going to talk about different designed water ski handles. What they have now are different types of ski handles designed for comfort and certain style water skiing. For slalom water skiing people regularly use curved handles that fit the human hand perfect for the best grip so your confidence on the course is the best. Regular water skiers who use combo water skies use the old fashion ski handles which is plane straight rubber handle. Some people prefer two handles on one rope these e are good for people that do not have good control on the water. They have gel grip handles to for the hardcore skiers that have good endurance who can go for a long time, the gel feeling prevents calice and blister on hands also it is a nice feeling while you are on the water. You can pretty much buy whatever kind of handles you want they have gel grip double handle ropes, they have zig zag handles which come with gel grip also, they also sell curved handles in the shape of a half moon which again also come in small grip. I guess whatever you prefer makes you what you want yourself to be on the water.
Water ski designs

Hey their everyone today I am going to discuss about different designed water skies. Water skies are shaped differently fore certain experienced levelled skiers. What they make now for beginner water skiers is water skies that have a bar that attach to both water skies. What is the purpose of the beginner water skies? simply it helps the skier keep both legs together when they are starting off in the water so it helps them with their balance to get up. These skies come up to around the 40 to 60$ range. Usually water skiers start off with combo skies without the bar to help them. What they have now for water skies is a different shaped base and the difference between a regular based water skie and a newer based water skis is the bottom of them are more concave and a bit wider. The advantage of these water skies are great because it helps the skier make deeper hard cuts into the water. Another good thing about these designed skies because it makes a much bigger wake which makes your performance look really pro. Skies have not really changed much over the years but when they changed them it was such a good design there is no need for a better design.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What to do before buying a slalom ski

Hi their again just a couple more tips on what you should do before buying a slalom ski. Lots of people that are interested in slalom water skiing do not think about what their doing and what type of skiing their going to do. Usually people buy the cheapest type of ski they can which very well can affect the way you perform on the water. However through experience when i was first starting off we didn't have the prettiest skies in the world but we owned an old one which was not the safest thing to use. That ski was made of wood with barely a bend so whenever a little wave created would swoove over the water ski cause the front end to catch the water and make you fall down straight on your face. Thats why when you buy slalom skies I highly recomend the best of all of course the name brand O'BRIEN I guarantee you awsom performence and enjoyable times with this brand, however the parts such as the bindings and the fins are much better than any other type of brand water ski out their. The bindings are extremely comfortable well designed, the fin allows way more controle and balance and last but not least their perfectly balanced and the wight of them are made exactly the way people want them. Make sure when you invest in some skies you buy quality so they last and of course enjoy the sport so you can get the full water skiing experince out of it. In conclusion don't be a cheepoe when it comes down to this, a nice releif to water skiiers out their a nice thing to about O'BRIEN water skies they always have good deals.
How to ski a slalom course

Hello again today iI am going to write about how to ski in a slalom course. Basically all the tips I wrote about on my blogs are now going to pay off in the big run. The objective of a slalom course is to clear 6 orange colored buoys, in order to do this perfectly use strategic timing for each one. First off start off get yourself out of the water, warm up a bit by making a few maneuverments get use to the course, once you are comfortable and ready to go simply signal the driver by doing a thumbs up gesture so the driver knows it is ready to go. Once the boat reaches proper comfortable speed prepare yourself for buoy number one. Remember use strategy in order to clear the buyoys perfect and clean. Make your swing to the left do a hard cut clear the buoy, then right away swing as fats as you can to the other side and make another hard cut to clear that buoy. Once you have cleared a couple of buoys the course usualy lets off about an extra 50 feet why they do that is so you can resist on your acceleration and return to a comfortable position. Once you have passed that get ready for some more fun, do the same routine but next few passes will have more buoys so you train of thought must be on the money. Focus on the course glimpse ahead of yourself a bit get an idea how you will use your staregie. Finaly after you completed the course let go of the rop gilde on the shore and their shuld be all your friends waiting for you along with a nice cold beer with your name on it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Water ski fights

Water ski fights are for advamced water skiers. I dont recomend this for youngsters just starting off. As you all seen In the video this is a beginers water ski fight that can cuase severe injury to unexperienced water skiers. However when you are in a match of water skiing keep your head up. Why because first off you can see if their are any oncoming waves from other boats which can throw you off unexpectingly, that ends the fight and makes you the loser that looks bad and is a hilarious for the guys watching. Based on some real life experiences I have had some brutal fights and pain, see theirs a difference between this video and our bright ideas for fights. Instead of noodles we use our skies, yes our skies it may sound funny but this is how its done. We simply get up on two skies and once we are up we remove one ski off our foot and ski with one, that leaves the ski we took off our weapons. To make things even more interesting we also pick up excess sea weed and drift wood that remains and use them to throw at each another.. It may sound hard and painfull but realy it is not half the time we miss, number one thing is just focusing on keeping your head up and use your surroundings to your advantage. And of course never back down!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What weather you water ski in

A few tips when to start waterskiing. Through my years of waterskiing I only ski In early summer when the water is about 67 degrees and late summer when the water is 78degrees. Now a lot of people get anxious and want to start water skiing right away when it is still cold out. I have bad experiences of being to anxious however me and 3 of my friends got fed up and impatient, so we decide to go out water skiing on a cloudy day when the weather was not at top notch. At this time it was around April 25th when we found out the water was around 45degrees. We figured the water is nice so we would have no problem going out, well we found out soon enough when it was time to get inside of the water. As soon as I jumped into the water my body was in and out so quick it was insane. It was pretty cold none of us could stand the cold temperature of the water; your body would go completely numb in the matter of seconds. So never get to anxious because there is lots of time to water ski in the summer time when the water temperature is nice and warm. July and August is prime time for water skiing no earlier no later.
The pain of wiping out
Hello again blogers I am going to discuss a little bit about the pain of wiping out on the water. Now most reasons why people wipe out on skies is because they do not wear their ski tight enough which causes them to slip out of the rubber boot not expecting, or people have the wrong footing placement what I mean by that is if you are left dominant have your left foot in the back because that foot is stronger and will be able to push the water better and manoeuver much easier. Now same thing if you are right side dominant have your right foot in the back for the same reason. Another thing people do wrong to is they don’t use the proper speed while driving the skier because when they use slower speed the skier sinks more into the water which cause the skier to work harder and use more strength because he or she is pushing more water because their more deeper into the water, also the deeper you are the harder it is to turn stay up. Why because the water has more chance of caching the front of the ski and causing you to go under or falling face first.

Monday, November 16, 2009

History of water skiing

My next blog will talk about the history of water skiing. Well years ago back in the 1970s they used to use water skis made out of wood and were used differently than today, how? Because back in the day the skis made first off did not have back fins, the advantage of back fins are the greatest thing since sliced bread because thanks to back fins you can control yourself where you are going. The olden days water skies again never had back fins so when you are water skiing you had no control over anything; where you are going when your move is being made. The olden days water skis always had a very minimal bend to them at the front and now days have a big bend at the front. Why are their more bend to the skis now days because the older wooden skis caused a lot of people to wipe out unreasonably because the front caught the water a lot easier on smaller waves, let alone big waves with those things. I personally do not care for wooden water skis because through experience had bad wipe outs over such small waves. Whenever you use them against rough water you are just kidding yourself. Today we use synthetic water skies coated with carbon fiber plate with slick designs rather than finished planks of wood. My mod ow towards old water skies is "wood no good" go synthetic or go home. I say that for many reasons. Also I will mention to is on newer water skis their are curved surfaces for more control and takes waves better as in plows through water nicer than wooden. Last thing I will mention is the diameter difference between olden day skis and today's skis; olden days skis are thinner less thick of a board which makes it harder to get up on because your ski is cutting through water rather than pushing the water to get up. Today's skis have wider surfaces for easy getting up and more shock absorbent towards waves, their also wider for a reason that reason is for people wide feet because back in the day wide feet hung over the ski which caused people to fall so instead they have improved them by making the plank wider so the foot fits comfortably. That my friends is a little bit of history of back then and now.
How to not injure yourself

Another thing I would like to discuss is how can you hurt yourself. Well through experience I have wiped out and messed up many times and I have hurt myself sometimes because either I tried to much at once and thought I could do what the pros do, nope never happened until i built up enough confidence and strategy. It took many years for myself to learn how to make some maneuvers smoothly and make sure I can do them without falling.Notice though on the boats professionals use they have swing rope attachment bars; those are things that you tie your rope on to on the boat. The advantage of swinging rope bars and basic hooks on boats are a huge difference because the regular hooks on the boat are to close to the water so what happens is whenever you are in the middle of water skiing the rope can get caught underneath the water and cause slack to get to the rope which can injure you pretty bad and sucks for quick maneuverability. The advantage of the swinging rope bars has many good things actually because number one it stands high up on the boat far away from the water so it is pretty much impossible to get slack into the rope, number two is while making a maneuver as in sharp turns to the other side of the wake the bar swing with the way you are going and always keeps good solid tension on the rope. It also helps you to stay up at the same time therefore chances of injury are very minimal at that point but like they say never go beyond your limits unless you are confident enough.

Friday, November 6, 2009

How to get Started off safely

How to use the proper equipment properly and what to use. There are many different things you have to use and do properly before water skiing so the skier behind you does not get hurt or badly injured and so the driver does not ruin the boat motor. first thing your going to want to do is to have the water skier put on a life jacket to prevent drowning. After the skier has all his safety gear on he will then jump in the water while the boat engin is off and put on his ski and have possession of the the rope, now the rope your skier will be using with be at least 75 feet or longer and the rope is attached to a swinging bar high up on the boat so the rope doesn’t get caught on the water which can cause the rope to get slack and injure the skier behind the boat.. The driver will then proceed slowly in gear to tighten up the rope so the skier can get ready for skiing. When the skier has the rope tightened and is ready to go he will yell out GO! The driver will hit the throttle all the way so the boat can pull up the skier quickly without dragging he or she. These are just some tips to help you get started if you guys ever want to try it out one day.

Friday, October 30, 2009

How to get up on one ski

As you all see in this video this guy gives tips to people that water ski how to get started by getting up on one sk. Its obviously easier to get up with two skis because you have 2 points of balance your body, so this guy gives out tips how to master at getting up single ski. He mentions two ways to get up the first one is either dragging your foot behind you to keep your balance while the boat pulls you up. Or he says you can place both feet in the boot and crouch as much as possible so you are not fighting the boat therefore you are not using a tone of force to pull your body up so if you relax and keep one solid postion it will allow you to get up smoothly with the boats acceleration. And as he mentions since the boards surface isnt as wide as a wakeboard or a kneeboard he says while your body is still planning out of the water your going to have to keep that solid position for an extra 5 to 10 seconds. And when your body is up just let your arms out straight out and lean back a bit and use your body to control your movement from right to left.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The incredible Wade Cox

Wade cox is a professional athletic waters skier he is right now number one on the rank as far as now until his next world championship competition. As you saw in the video of his he has incredible style and technique, his speed is so amazing the way he just jets to the other side of the boats wake in the mater of a second. You got to love the sweet sharp turns he does around those buoys and the wall of water he creates, and his balance is also very impressive. The thing I love most about Wade cox is that he likes to use the O’Brien Company because he uses O’Brien handle and rope, he also uses an O’Brien slalom ski. The boat he is being towed behind is a Bayliner Tahoe witch is an American boating company name. His world record timing has not been broken by anyone yet even by skiers that have been skiing longer than him. He is an incredible speed demon that can nail anything that is thrown out to him on the time trial, not only that he makes it look so easy. If I could do that I would be a very happy and fulfilled man.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

About the O'brien ski brand

The name O’Brien is a water skiing company that has been keeping their name for four generations now. The reason why I chose this is because I am very passionate about water skiing and I use nothing but this brand name when it comes down to skiing. I love this sport for many various reasons, this sport builds and strengthens all parts of the body and definitely builds endurance in most parts of the body. This sport is very refreshing fun and really gets the adrenaline pumping. Slalom skiing is a competitions sport famous in the states mainly in the warmer parts of Michigan. If you enjoy water sports I guarantee you that you will have a blast and fell good once you learn how to. This sport burns lots of calories and builds muscle and endurance. It is a thrilling feeling when you reach top speed while you turn and lean your body close and quick to the water. It ids amazing what kind of wake and splash you create with the water when you are slalom skiing. It feels so rewarding once you created that huge wall of water whenever you dig into the water with that ski. Slalom skiing is more for speed demons that like to beat the time on the clock. The idea in competition slalom water-skiing is to clear al of the buoys by digging that ski hard into the water in order to turn sharp and quick on the water to clear that buoy.